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Figure 2: Representations used in the work. The figure illustrates the (top) pair, (middle) triangle multiplicative update, (bottom) triangle self-attention, (top-left) residue, (top-right) structure module and (bottom) residue gas representations. The pair representation is illustrated as a directed edge in a graph. Similarly, the triangle multiplicative update and triangle self-attention are represented as directed edges. The triangle and residue gas representations are illustrated as a free-floating rigid body and a circle, respectively. The black solid lines represent the atoms, whereas the green dotted lines represent the atoms of the side-chains. The red solid lines represent the atoms of the backbone. The blue and brown solid lines represent the position of the carbon and nitrogen, respectively. In the triangle multiplicative update and triangle self-attention, the blue dotted lines represent the position of the carbon atoms. The arrows in the figure give the direction of information flow. The other conventions are given in the main text.
Evoformer block. Arrows show the information flow. The shape of the arrays is shown in parentheses. b, The pair representation interpreted as directed edges in a graph. c, Triangle multiplicative update and triangle self-attention. The circles represent residues. Entries in the pair representation are illustrated as directed edges and in each diagram, the edge being updated is ij. d, Structure module including Invariant point attention (IPA) module. The single representation is a copy of the first row of the MSA representation. e, Residue gas: a representation of each residue as one free-floating rigid body for the backbone (blue triangles) and χ angles for the side chains (green circles). The corresponding atomic structure is shown below. f, Frame aligned point error (FAPE). Green, predicted structure; grey, true structure; (Rk, tk), frames; xi, atom positions.
Next week we'll be revealing a new set of mods for Destiny 2 which are yet to be announced. It's time to cover off the most exciting part of any Destiny 2 update, the Mod World Update.
Some applications, such as Java, require that the application directories and libraries are updated to a newer version before the user can update. However, there are some applications that are not explicitly API-specific, such as the X Window System, the X server source code, are automatically updated as required.
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