GEOlayers 2 1.2.4
GEOlayers 2 1.2.4 ===
After Effects Plugin for GEOlayers GEOlayers is a geolayer with many features. Features: -Geolayers can be added to any place. -Geolayers can be added to any layer. -Geolayers can be added to any layout -Label for geolayers can be set -Label Renaming -Label Renaming can be done for the geolayers also. -Label Renaming is enabled by default, but can be disabled. -Label Renaming is also done on the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming can be disabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. -Label Renaming is also done for the mapcomp lables -Label Renaming can be manually enabled or disabled. -Label Renaming can be enabled from the prefs also. 827ec27edc