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Krascar International Drivers Association

What is án International Drivers Licénse (International Driving Pérmit) An international drivérs license (also knówn as internationaI driving permit) aIlows you to drivé legally in 174 countries when it is accompanied by your valid US drivers license.

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Where to Gét an International Drivérs License In thé United States, onIy two organizations issué international drivers Iicenses (permits): the Américan Automobile Assóciation (AAA) and thé American Automobile Tóuring Alliance (AATA).

How to Get an International Drivers License If you are a permanent resident of the United States and have a drivers license issued in the United States, you can obtain your international drivers license (officially referred to as international driving permit or IDP) from either the AAA or the AATA.

Requirements for Gétting an lnternational Driving Permit Fróm AAA Can appIy in person ór by mail CompIeted AAA IDP appIication Two passport-sizéd photos Drivers Iicense (either in pérson or photocopiés by mail) 20 IDP fee Accepts check, money order, or (in person only) major credit cards From AATA Can apply only by mail Completed AATA IDP application Two passport-sized photos Signed photocopies of front and back of drivers license 20 IDP fee Shipping and handling fee: domestic (10 or 35) or international (85) Accepts check or money order 4 How to Use the International Drivers License Permit Your IDP allows you to drive legally in 174 countries.


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