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Seller Logs.txt

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For example, if you are running an online shopping platform and a seller updatesone of their products, you should include the seller and product ID in the logentry describing this update such that you can easily trace the seller andproduct activity over time.

Information on waste equipment collection points can be found on municipal office official websites and notice boards. If in doubt, please contact the direct seller of your device or us directly using the contact section.

AdSense warningsYou can now select from Google and its advertising partners to determine who can monetize bid requests as part of your California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) settings. dismissWe encourage you to publish your seller information in the Google sellers.json file. Visit the account settings page to review your current visibility status. dismiss

The same seller in Figure 2 also advertises another dataset with about 100,000 logs. Additionally, they say that the distribution of the dataset is limited and that only five copies will be sold. In the underground market, it is common for service providers to limit the number of items that they will sell to customers. Indeed, data sold in a limited number of copies tends to merit a higher price since fewer people can monetize from it. This strategy is similar to that used by sellers in legitimate marketplaces, where premium goods are more expensive than the ones that are produced for mass consumption.

Based on details that are highlighted by sellers and mentioned by customers, the sizes of logs are often measured in either gigabytes or number of log entries. Some actors advertise the size of collected data stored in plaintext, while others measure the accumulative size of the archived data. This means that the volume of data in 500 GB by one actor could be 50 GB for another actor, because the latter takes into account the size of the data when it is compressed.

Notably, the price for accessing different datasets varies depending on whether or not the logs had already been used in previous monetization schemes. For instance, two sellers who offer datasets of the same size could price their datasets differently, as the data that had already been monetized in a previous scheme might sell at a lower price.

Other sellers also provide supposed proofs of existence for the accounts that can be accessed using the stolen credentials that they offer. In Figure 8, a seller posts a screenshot of one such account.

Often, almost all sellers explain the kind of data that is available to potential customers: They clarify the size of the logs, how often the dataset is updated, and the type and quality of data that they have in their platforms. They also often introduce restrictions on how the data and the interface can be used. For example, they strictly prohibit bulk-dumping of a whole dataset and sharing data with a third party or other actors. Violating such restrictions are often punished with account suspension.

As discussed earlier, many sellers also limit the number of people who can access and buy logs. They also implement data watermarking and other tracking methods to enforce their service-level agreements (SLAs). Among these restrictions are fixed quotes on the total number of accessed objects per day, a restriction on the number of files permitted for download, or the implementation of traffic-shaping policies. Other platforms also restrict access to the cloud to one device per account. Some also require private VPN credentials to initiate access to the service.

While implementing app-ads.txt is not mandatory, failing to do so will cause developers to lose significant revenue. DSPs use this file to understand the supply chain of inventory they are buying. Some DSPs will only buy from developers that have correctly implemented this file. Developers that properly declare their authorized sellers help advertisers greatly reduce the risk of counterfeit inventory, which over time funnels more advertising dollars to quality developers.

I purchased a refurbed laptop via Amazon warehouse (Amazon is the seller). A scan reveals 362 files are password protected - some are mine, but here are a few examples of what I found. Should I be worried Appreciate any advice. thanks

And then you have specific use cases. If your website is a publisher and actively sells inventory for ads to display on, you need an ads.txt file. This file should be at the root. If you're an ad exchange or an SSP (sell side platform), you need a sellers.json file, which should also live at the root. Read more about ads.txt and sellers.json.

It allows buyers and authorized sellers in the industry to efficiently buy and sell credible digital advertising services with transparency which will help companies get direct access to the advertising exchange ecosystem and make adoption easy.

If the seller account IDs align, this can serve as a verification of authenticity. If they do not fit or do not apply, it may mean that the website does not come from authorized digital sellers or that the seller is not authorized to sell ads.txt, and that the customers may opt not to transact for that specific inventory.

1. First, get all the details you need from your profiles with vendors, network affiliates, and groups who make your inventory open to customers. This involves the domain name of the advertisement network, Publisher ID, whether the account is direct or reseller and more.

Nevertheless, since its introduction in May 2017, it has become almost mandatory for publishers to implement ads.txt if they want to sell their inventory programmatically. To make the most of the process, publishers should ensure they keep their ads.txt file up to date while keeping an eye on which sellers have been authorized to sell their inventory.

Ads.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) is a text file publishers use to list all digital sellers they deem trustworthy and who are allowed to sell their ad inventory. These files are publicly crawlable by ad exchanges and SSPs, and their goal is to improve transparency for programmatic buyers and minimize cases of ad fraud.

The ads.txt initiative was launched with both publishers and advertisers in mind. This file protects publishers from unauthorized inventory sales and allows advertisers to verify the seller to prevent shady transactions. Although using ads.txt is not mandatory in most cases, it has become an unofficial industry staple.

Ads.txt works as a public record of authorized digital sellers that programmatic buyers can reference when purchasing inventory from a publisher. Here is a how a typical programmatic buying process would look and the role ads.txt plays in it:

Ads.txt, short for Authorized Digital Sellers, is a text file publishers use to list all trustworthy digital sellers. This file boosts transparency within the supply chain and allows media buyers to verify ad sellers before selling inventory.

Using an ads.txt file boosts transparency within the programmatic supply chain and protects publishers and advertisers from ad fraud. This file protects publishers from unauthorized inventory sales and allows advertisers to verify a seller to prevent shady transactions. 59ce067264


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